Sunday, November 30, 2008

Vivace !!!

I feel upbeat on the revelation that Michigan Engineering University is trying to make wave energy in oceans and rivers plausible. OPEC is and should not be the answer to all our energy needs. Nor should we rely on nuclear energy. The latter is simply like playing with fire.

However, its exactly not wave energy to be precise. It is the ability to harness water movement / natural currents in water bodies like the sea and rivers into kinetic and thereafter electrical energy. It is a process inspired by the technology used by fish to swim. Its aptly called the vortex-induced vibrations for aquatic clean energy (VIVACE).

Such vibrations, which were first observed 500 years ago by Leonardo DaVinci in the form of "Aeolian Tones", can cause serious damage to structures built in water, like docks and oil rigs. It would not be the first time humans are harnessing a powerful and destructive force in nature!!!


Ocean currents can power the world, say scientists

Gomel: Debate still rages over Chernobyl fallout

Govt close to a deal with Belarus on Chernobyl children

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A crude cut ... public pays, privateurs profit

Prophetic was the last post, realization comes true. I wonder how's the oil pool deficit doing!!! The government helps private entrepreneurs rather than serving public good. Who does the one chosen of the people, by the people and for the people serve? Entrepreneurial enslavement of government is the new norm. Needn't say more ...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

As the Taj burned ...

Ever wondered what has happened to us, as a nation? What are we building, what are we representing. We have not had a good run with our policy internationally except economic poise for benefit at all costs. Nor have we strengthened the social fabric internally. Why is it that we are here at this juncture, facing things that would be iconic of the wild west. Are we still in the building phase. Do we need a civil war to correct things out, to sort out the rights of all, the equalities that we want to impose and the promise of inequality free social fabric. We could sure take a cue from our great western partner or just follow our preamble that I keep making reference to. JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY. It so happens that my earlier post emphasized on EQUALITY, and this one screams the realization of FRATERNITY. It is only when we take all along that the path that we design, leads, inspires and motivates people to come along. It is only when we listen does the factum of FRATERNITY get realized. After all, it is not the destination, but how you get there is the worthier part (Shepherd Derria Book, Firefly, Ep. 1 Serenity).

मैं अकेला ही चला था जानिबे मंजिल मगर लोग साथ आते गए और कारवां बनता गया


As the Taj burned

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Golden fleecing ...

We are being fleeced. It is no secret that a Toyota Camry would cost Rs.10 lacs on full and actual $-Rs conversion and the Honda Civic a mere Rs.8 Lacs, yet the prices are so steep. I kept quiet when Honda launched its Civic Hybrid at Rs.21.5 lacs. The Civic was the flagship Honda car, and still is, but only abroad, an icon of affordability. No, but not in India. This land has seen many average and below average priced cars from the west become status symbols. The VW Jetta. Its no joke that a weaker car without getup or show is priced for the foolish Indian customer higher than the Civic.

But now this recession has convinced me that most manufacturers would certainly reduce their 1000% profits at least down to 300% to woo the customers. With Honda of all doing so, the brand that never ever reduced its prices to boost its sale volume has for the first time stooped. With the Civic hybrid price reduction I hope many other cars would be sold cheaper, at least at prices nearing contemporary western markets.

Live with a man forty years, share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge and on that day, you will finally meet the man.
- Modu Shanyu
We sure need to do the same with these corporations, or once in a while by the cause of recession these corporations would reveal their true selves to both its customers and employees.


Civic Hybrid cheaper by Rs 8 lakh

2009 Toyota Camry

Honda Civic Family - 2009 - the Official Honda Web Site

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A crude cut ...

One always wonders, while the private sector makes profits on sliding crude oil prices, why is it that only public sector companies are made to be shown as the loss makers. Whose side are we on, on whose side is the government, for whom does it frame policy, who is running the government, of the people, by the people, but for only a few people!!!???

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 16, rich get richer ...

Who gets richer, who can afford, is it too late or is it just the IIM grads' kids who will form the elite club like the Ivy league, the principle of self-sustenance now is being redefined.

There is surely nothing like the ever growing business of education, no recession see this one, eh!!


CAT on Nov 16; IIMs set to be richer by Rs 23 crore

Is the spirit of '69 back in the USA? ...

Aid to the ailing labor intensive industries rather than the Wall Street cloud money lenders, sharpening of energy policy to gain self-sufficiency ("energy independence"), facilitation of stem cell research, environmental protection (in Utah), and more is to come. Its been heard once before, has it not? This civil rights lawyer has a different resume from the ex-military, oil barons of yesteryears. Hope the path he takes is different as well. We need a difference creator not a line-tower, albeit at the cost of the industrialists but certainly for the one who toils from the sweat of his brow ...


Emanuel Urges Speeding Up Aid to Auto Industry

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Liquidity or gasification? ...

With job losses and reducing demand where is the liquidity going? RBI has left no stone unturned ... or has it? Talk of growth is futile without sustenance of the already established industry. The currently established industry is slowing down or shutting down, and the Finance Minister talks of FDI.

One does not go boat shopping when one's boat has a hole, he repairs it to reach the shore safely ... is the format skewed or my vision, or is it just that the liquidity is evaporating!!! PLEASE DO NOT REPAY A LOAN WITH ANOTHER LOAN, its been tried once already ...


More companies opt to trim man hours, cut production

Demand slump: Tata Motors may shut Pune unit for 6 days

Ashok Leyland to work 3-days a week

RIL: Margin blues

Reliance Retail recasts operations to cut losses

CITU says RIL's reported closure of units

Government may ease FDI caps

Foreign investment inflows increase 259 per cent in September

India sees huge jump in FDI inflows despite global woes

FDI booster dose to rejuvenate health insurance cos

Tobacco FDI up for review on Thursday