Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bailout racism or British ego?!

I wonder what it is? But it certainly is nothing to do with any economic rationale that the US is following. Saving banks was easy for the UK, yet Indian subsidiaries in the UK struggled without even a helping hand or even less any attention towards their rescue.

It was not long ago when UK intended to politically oppose the TATA takeover of the "British icons", yes today they refuse to extend any help; am I just seeing economic prudence by British politicians or is it just that the "Raj" has still not been able to digest the fact of the white man working for the brown man?!


Mandelson downplays Jaguar rescue

Tata must arrange own resources for JLR: Mandelson

Government must not bail out every industry in trouble

Tata runs over critics with JLR buy

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