Sunday, March 8, 2009

The world is not enough? ... or is it?

I say it is more than enough. What have we actually done for this earth that we now aim to head elsewhere at astronomical expenditures that could well be used for earth's betterment environmentally as well as socially. Otis - Gandhi belongings auction has shown this shameless dichotomy of thought and actions as no other event in history has ever spat in the face of so called torch bearers of progress. Governments are ready to spend crores of their currency on procuring what symbolizes progress and honor but actually is nothing more than vanity and in vain.

Gandhi would not have approved of such high price purchase of his belongings by the country he lived and died for when we see blatant socio-economic deprivation on the other side of the story. It is ANTI-GANDHIAN to purchase his belongings at an auction even by the richest Indian, the belongings of a man who lived simply and without wealth in a country that still is poor, no matter what its GDP or rate of growth is.

On the other hand NASA thinks it is doing good by spending trillions while US citizens suffer in the face of unemployment and burst of their economic powder-cake.

How different are we from the dark ages when Kings and Temples/Churches amassed wealth while the poor remained static. They too were the golden ages of their times as described by those rulers. Shame on us all who think we are progressing.


Otis offers to donate more Gandhi items

Nasa probe to seek planets supporting life

US sheds 6,51000 jobs in Feb; jobless rate touch 25-yr high

US unemployment rate hits 8.1 percent

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