Thursday, October 16, 2008

On Duties, and rights that follow ...

"Real rights are a performance of duty. No one will have any right but what are inherent in the willing performance of one's duties" (Anthony Parel, Gandhi, Freedom and Self Rule, (Lexington Books, 2000) (quoting M.K. Gandhi) at page 10).

It all boils down to the fact that it takes two to tango. Only if I fulfill my duty of recognizing your right does there exist a right for you.

In the corporate scenario, this is of utmost importance. Respecting team-mates and team members is a very effective means to collectively bear the pressure of work. The team inturn represents a division (e.g. HR, marketing, operations, legal, delivery, manufacturing, etc.), divisions make up the corporation and the corporation as a whole can change its ethos to being more culturally sensitive and not driven by the insane hunger of capital accumulation, definitely not at the cost of the machinery that makes up the corporation, as this machinery is not non-living but comprises of living persons who make up the society that the corporation functions in. The corporation is thus building the community, the neighborhood, the state and the country. Thus, when some one says "Sonny boy, running a corporation is not child's play", I say "Hell no ... I can see that its definitely no joke" ...

Because, as you sow shall you reap. Make self-centered monsters out of your employees and they shall inturn infect the society, politics and morality. They corrupt our schools, our education, your children, wives, husbands, teachers, students, police, civil servants, ... everything.

You definitely do not want to make apples go bad in your refrigerator and throw them out into a fresh pile of apples (at a wholesale mart) ready to be sold for retail. Would surely affect the quality of your retail purchase of apples a couple of weeks down the line.

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